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GIS Application Use in Urban Planning

GIS Application Use in Urban Planning

GIS is quite a powerful tool, as can be seen through all of its applications in the field of urban planning. A GIS is not run by computers, but rather by people who have been specially trained and received their degree in the field, as there are large amount of analysis, modeling, and a variety of other skills that need to be taught. Using a GIS is not just important for developing an urban area, it is almost necessary in today’s fast-moving and highly technological landscape.


A geographic information system displays all kinds of spatial or geographical data. The GIS is computer system is designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present a variety of spatial and geographical data. GIS technology is often used in urban planning, and impacts people living in the area in many ways. The benefit of GIS using   in urban planning are numerous, because GIS takes into consideration many different factors to help build an efficient and organized city.


GIS is multilayered mapping. Each of these layers has different types of information and data associated with it. A municipal planning committee can use a GIS to see a variety of different things, including prime agricultural land, surface water, high flood frequency, and highly erodible land. This multilayered capability can make a big difference when developing an area, for example places with high flood frequency could lead to high flood insurance premiums for residents, which may detract from people wanting to live there. Zoning permits and building permits are based on a variety of things. While a GIS may not be able to cover all of these factors, it can help in a number of ways. In places that are already developed or had been previously developed and are being revamped, the GIS may have the area covered already. This means the GIS can provide information about permits issued in the past, including permit type, when permits were issued, and what type of development they were for.


GIS can serve as an analytical tool to help a business decide if it should open in a certain location. Based on customer-provided data, GIS can help a business see where their potential customers might come from. For example, if a produce store opens, and it is 10 miles closer than the previous store, the business owner can conclude that customers will be likely to try his or her store if the quality and prices are comparable.

Author:          Sahar Zahoor

Co-author:    Rabil Arooj

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